Computer Science is an amazing field of study, as a college discipline and evolving every decade to become a daily part of our lifes. Many of you have turned the subject into a passion. Whether you are a college student or a technology enthusiast, blogs or articles have proved to be quite important for knowledge gain. 

The top 5 computer-related blogs website will showcase a wide variety of topics of computers and understanding of most complex topics of computer science where stands on the priority.

Following are the top 5 computer-related blogs and websites that will help you to dive into the field of science with ease.

  • DigitalOcean

Currently, it is the richest and most active website dedicated to computer science. They post articles regularly on all the latest technology. They also post content related to coding, data structures, and networking to hardware. It is one of the great places to start your journey towards computers.

  • Techvybes

It is another renowned blog website on computer science. The computer produces effective reading on technology, codes, networking, and even the latest gadgets in the market. Not only blogs, the website also serves you detailed information through videos and reviews. They also provide detailed studies on Python, Excel, WordPress, and GIMP.

  • Stack Overflow Blog

The founder, Karl Hughes, has been the most effective contributor in solving problems for the website. The website has a promising record of completing all the problems aroused by the users. They publish different topics on computer science blogs, different types of programming languages, databases, and code on different topics.

  • Freedom to Tinker

The website is being regularly followed by Princeton University’s Center for Information Technology Policy. It is a research center exploring new technologies, public policy, and engineering of a variety of fields and social sciences. New content is posted weekly from deeply technical articles to the impact of technology on our day-to-day life. The UI of the website is a little hard to approach but the user will soon discover a wide source of techie topics.

  • FreeCodeCamp

This website is well known amongst the developers. With the passing year, the website proved itself as the best website for coding. The website has more than 6,000 blogs on various topics including coding, and computer science. The website covered all the major topics related to computer science.

Reading about the topics of computer science as a discipline or passion, blogs will help the most to gain knowledge from different fields of topic. Hence it is always advisable to renew and test your knowledge and make your passion alive, you can follow this website.
